Como andamos caminando los que andamos sin zapatpos? Sin eso que te une a la tierra y a la cultura de la gente que vive tranquilamente con sus zapatos bien puestos? Donde estan tus zapatos? Me pregunta una señora de la embajada... Que haces pidiendo tus papeles en un lugar donde no tienes el derecho de esrtar? Tus zapatos estan donde puedes caminar tranquila sin pedirle permiso a nadie. Vete alla y pide tus papeles desde alla. Y yo que hago? Me quedo, y sigo pidiendo mis papeles y esperando que me den permiso de ponerme mis zapatos. Ando de puntillas o flotando a 10cm de la tierra... sin estar realmente aca.
How do we walk, the ones that go around without shoes? Without what connects you to the ground and the people around you, they that live their lives with their shoes well fastened? Where are your shoes? Asked me a lady from the embassy… what are you doing asking for your papers in this place when you are not allowed to be here? Your shoes are there where you can walk at ease without having to ask anybody for permission. Go and ask your papers from there. And what do I do? I stay, and I just keep on asking for my papers and waiting for permission to put on my shoes. I walk around on my tiptoes or floating 10 cm. above the ground… without really being here.
Born in Lima, Peru. December 1976.
Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru
Facultad de Artes. Lima, Peru. / Gerrit Rietveld Academie Visual Art Department, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.